
NPC and CPPCC sessions 2017 influence the development of WEL Pump

As one of the private enterprises in China, WEL Pump is positively influenced by the two sessions.
NPC and CPPCC Sessions 2017 refer to the 5th session of the 12th National Committee of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and the 5th sessions of the 12th National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China. They opened respectively at 15 o’clock on March 3, 2017 and 9 o’clock on March 5, 2017 in Beijing.
The 5th session of the 12th National Committee of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference closed at 9:30 on March 13, 2017.
This session has passed personnel matters, passed resolutions from the 5th session of the 12th national committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference about the standing committee’s working report, passed the report from the proposals committee of the 12th national committee of CPPCC about motions examination conditions in the 5th session, and passed political resolutions of this session.
The 5th session of the 12th National Committee of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference closed at 9:30 on March 15, 2017 in the Great Hall of the People.
Six draft resolutions about the government work report, about the executive conditions of national economy and social development plans in 2016, about the executive conditions of central and local budget in 2016 and the central and local budget in 2017, about the work report of standing committee of the national people’s congress, about the work report of the supreme people’s court, about the work report of the supreme people’s procuratorate, have been voted through. The draft of general provisions of civil law of the People’s Republic of China is voted on.
People’s Congress
1.  Listen to and deliberate on the state council premier Li Keqiang’s report about government work.
2. Examine and approve the state council’s report about the executive conditions of national economy and social development plans in 2016 and the draft plan for national economy and social development in 2017.
The rising of private economies promotes the development of Chinese economy. WEL Pump will make its contribution to the development of private economies.


WEL Pump congratulates China aircraft carrier on its first step into water

WEL Pump hereby congratulates our national aircraft carrier on its first step into water.
It is reported that on April 26, the diving ceremony of the second aircraft carrier manufactured in China is held in the morning at Dalian Shipyard belonging to China Shipbuilding Industry Group. Fan Changlong, the member of the political bureau of China Communist Party’s Central Committee as well as the vice president of Central Military Committee attended the ceremony and made a speech.
At about 9 am, the ceremony began with the magnificent national anthem. Following international conventions, bottle-throwing rite is carried out after ribbon-cutting. On the smash of a bottle of champagne at the head of the aircraft carrier, gorgeous strips of colors are ejected from the two sides of the carrier, along with the ringing sirens sent out from all ships around. Attendees on site applauded warmly. The aircraft carrier is slowly pulled out of the dock and wharfed.
The second aircraft carrier is developed and manufactured by our country independently.The building of this carrier is started in November, 2013. In March 2015, it started to be built inside the dock.   By far, the main ship body of the aircraft carrier has been completely built up. The equipment of main systems such as power system and electric system have been installed properly. Getting out of dock and entering water is an important point of the construction of aircraft carrier, marking the staged achievement of aircraft carriers designed and built independently by our country. Next, as planned, this aircraft carrier will take system equipment debugging and fitting-out construction, followed by a full range of mooring test.
Leaders from the navy and China Shipbuilding Industry Group, Shen Jinlong, Miao Hua and Hu Wenming as well as leaders, researchers, staffs from relevant navy and local departments and representatives of officials and soliders who have took part in the construction all attended this ceremony.
WEL Pump would like to express our sincere congratulations to the success of the second aircraft.


Inspection before starting deep well submersible pump 2 inch diameter

Generally speaking, before we start the deep well submersible pump 2 inch diameter, we should make the following inspections.
Inspection and treatment of parts and accessories  
1) Clean and check the shaft bearing. Change the bearing if its clearance has obviously become larger, if the bearing roller is broken or dotted, or if the roller path is severely worn out.  During the installation of shaft bearing, the lubricating grease should take up half or one third of the space in bearing body.  
2) Check the wearing condition of impellers and sealing ring.  If the bearing wear has surpassed 3 to 5 times of the designed clearance, you should change the bearing.  
3) Check the packing sleeve. If the depth of grinding crack has reached 0.1-0.2mm or the packing sleeve is severely corroded, you should repair or change it.
4) Change the packing plate, the padding, the ineffective O shaped seal ring and the elastic sheath on the elastic pin.  
5) Check the wearing condition and the cavitation erosion condition of impeller vanes and coverplate. Repair or change it when necessary.   
6) Check the wearing condition of the mechanical seal. Make sure if it is necessary to change the mechanical seal. 
7) Change the fastenings that are badly corroded or damaged.   When you have finished reassembling the pump, you should debug it again.
Stainless steel material, good quality speaks for itself.
Tight sealing
The deep well submersible pump adopts dual-seal motor. With optimized design, the seal system is safe and reliable.
High efficiency and energy-saving
The deep well submersible pump 2 inch diameter has new floating impellers, with no axial force, better performance.
Better universality
The heads and motors of APK submersible pumps are in uniformed sizes and match well. They can be exchanged freely in installation.
Longer service life

The deep well submersible pump adopts fully oil-immersed copper wire motor that has high efficiency, longer service life and is not easy to get burned.


Failures and solutions for deep submersible well pumps

The deep submersible well pump sends out no water or not enough water
1. You didn’t fill enough water into the pump before it starts. As a result, there is stagnant air left inside.
2. The suction pipe and the packing part leaks air.
3. The pump rotates in a wrong direction.
4. The rotation speed of the pump is too low.
5. Something clogs the bottom valve, the pipeline or the inlet of impellers.
6. The water level at pump inlet drops down.
7. The impeller or the seal ring is badly worn.
8. Spiral occurs on water surface, bringing air into the pump.
1. Go on to add water into the deep submersible well pump or exhaust the air inside.
2. Block the leaking point, press the packing to make it tight enough.
3. Change the rotation direction of the motor.
4. Accelerate rotation speed.
5. Check the pipeline, remove the sundries.
6. Calculate the suction height, reduce resistance in pipeline, and increase the water level at pump inlet.
7. Change the impeller and the sealing ring.
8. Make the inlet of suction pipe deeper under water.
The water pump doesn’t run when you start it, or its shaft power is too large when it has been started.
1. The packing is pressed too tightly. Pump shaft is bent.
2. Clearance between the motor coupling and the pump coupling is so small that the two couplings interfere with each other.
3. Voltage too low.
4. The density of the fluids being transported is extensively larger than the designed fluids density.
5. Flow quantity too large, well beyond the designed range.
1. Loosen the packing gland a little, straighten the pump shaft.
2. Adjust to enlarge the clearance between motor coupling and pump coupling.
3. Check the electric circuit.
4. Change for a motor of larger power.
5. Close down the sluice valve a little or cut the impeller to reduce its diameter.
Vibration or noise beyond index
1. The ground bolt is loose. The deep submersible well pump seat is not completely grouted.
2. The pump shaft and the motor shaft are totally not coaxial or the pump shaft is bent.
3. Pump cavitation
4. Shaft bearing damaged.
5. The seal ring rubs against the impeller.
6. The rotor is totally unbalanced.
1. Tighten the ground bolt. Grout the pump seat.
2. Adjust to make the pump shaft and the motor shaft coaxial. Straighten the pump shaft or change it.
3. Bring down suction height, reduce the loss of pump head, and decrease fluid temperature.
4. Change the shaft bearing.
5. Dismantle the pump for inspection; change the seal ring or the impeller.
6. Test the rotor for balance again.
Shaft bearing too hot
1. No lubricating grease or too much lubricating grease inside the shaft bearing.
2. The shaft bearing is damaged.
3. The pump shaft and the motor shaft are totally not coaxial.
1. Add lubricating grease or remove the extra lubricating grease.
2. Change the shaft bearing.
3. Adjust to make the pump shaft and the motor shaft coaxial.
Motor too hot
1. The flow quantity is too large and the pump is working beyond its rated power.
2. The rotation speed is higher than the rated value.
3. The motor or pump head is mechanically damaged.
4. The motor runs with two phases.
1. Close down the sluice valve for water outlet properly.
2. Check the electric circuit and the motor.
3. Check the motor and the water pump.
4. Check the power source.
Mechanical seal leaks water
1. The mechanical seal is damaged or has become ineffective.
2. The mechanical seal is not installed correctly.
3. The fluids being pumped contain small solid particles.
1. Change the mechanical seal.
2. Reinstall the mechanical seal.
3. Clarify the fluids to be pumped.


    Deep submersible well pump maintenance and inspection

    Notes during the period when the pump is not working.  
    1) Drain the stagnant liquid inside the pump.  In pump houses with no heating system, when the pump stops working in winter, you should pay attention to prevent it from frost cracking.  
    2) Wipe and clean the surface of pump head and pump motor. Smear anti-rust oil on surfaces that will not be used for a long time to prevent rusting.  
    3) If the pump, including standby pumps, is not used for a long time, you should start it less than every 30 days and let it run for 10 minutes to prevent internal rusting, which would otherwise make the pump fail to run. 
    deep submersible well pump maintenance and inspection
    Generally, you should overhaul the pumping unit once every year to replace the worn-out parts and ineffective parts.  You should disassemble the pumping unit in order in a correct way to prevent unnecessary damage caused by improper disassembly methods. 
    1) First, take down the elastic pin, replace ineffective elastic rubber sheath.    
    2) Pull out the locating pin, use crow bar to dismantle the pump lid. You must not directly pull up the pump lid only with the hoist.  
    3) Make full advantage of the jackscrew to disassemble the shaft bearing.  
    4) When dismantling the shaft bearing, you should screw the loop bolts into the holes on the bearing gland. Use lama or other special tools to disassemble the bearing and bearing gland together.  
    5) If you need to hoist up the whole rotor, do remember to loosen the gland of mechanical seal first to separate friction pairs of the dynamic ring and the static ring. Otherwise, you may damage the end faces of friction pairs.
    If you have any question, please feel free to contact info@welpump.com.


    Notes for 2 inch submersible deep well pump operation

    When the 2 inch submersible deep well pump is running, you should make the following checks.
    1) Inspect motor temperature. The temperature of motor shaft shall not surpass 95 centigrade degree, measured by thermometer. The temperature rise (resistance method) of motor stator winding shall not surpass 800 K, provided that the surroundings temperature is not higher than 40 centigrade degree and it is not higher than 1000m above sea level.   
    2) Check the temperature of the shaft bearing of water pump  If there is no oil or too much oil inside the bearing cavity, the bearing temperature will rise.  The bearing temperature generally should not rise to more than 400 k above environment temperature. The maximum temperature of shaft bearing shall not be higher than 80 centigrade degree.  If neither temperature meter nor measuring instrument is available, you can feel the temperature with hand and make judgment according to your experience.  If the pump case feels roasting hot and your hand cannot stay on it even for seconds, you should stop the pump for inspection.  
    3) If abnormal noise or vibration is detected during operation, you should stop the pump immediately for inspection. It can be started again only after the problem has been found and solved.  
    4) Check if the bearing leaks oil. If so, deal with the trouble timely.    8) Don’t increase the rotation speed of the pump casually. Otherwise, accidents may happen because the pump doesn’t have enough mechanical strength. But you can decrease its speed, as long as its pressure and flow quantity meet site requirements.  
    5) Keep an operation diary, including records of operation date, pressure, electric current, voltage, vibration, noise, bearing temperature, shaft seal leakage, failures and problem solutions, etc.
    Notes for stopping the 2 inch submersible deep well pump
    1) Before stopping the pump, turn off the sluice valve for water outlet first and then turn off the pressure meter. 
    2) Return all control system, protective system, devices, instruments, meters and so on back to their original status. Note if anything is abnormal.  
    3) If the power is cut off suddenly during operation, you should turn off the power supply switch and the sluice valve for water outlet immediately. 


    Operation notes for submersible pump deep well

    Change the opening degree of sluice valve at pump outlet to adjust the pressure and flow quantity at pump outlet, make sure the pumping unit runs in high efficiency range, i.e., the range between large flow quantity point and small flow quantity point.  Note: the actual head of the pump equals to the pressure at outlet minus the pressure at inlet.  The pumping unit is proved to have no hydraulic performance problems, as long as the pressure and flow quantity of the submersible pump deep well conform to the designed working conditions, and the motor doesn’t work with overload. As for whether it meets the requirements on site, that depends on model selection.
    Points of observation and check during test run  
    1) Check if pump head, pump flow quantity (through flow meter) and motor electric current conform to the requirements of design. 
    2) Check if the noise and vibration of the pumping unit conform to standard regulations. 
    3) Check the temperature and temperature rise of the shaft bearing. 
    4) Check if the shaft seal leaks. 
    Notes for the submersible pump deep well when it formally starts running  
    1) Note if the reading of ampere meter surpasses the rated electric current of the motor. Stop the pump timely for inspection if the reading is too high or too low.  
    2) Check if the packing chamber becomes hot, if it leaks water normally.  Normally, it should leak water drop by drop continuously. You can control leakage by adjusting the nuts on packing gland.  When the packing is worn out and too much water is leaking, you should supplement the packing or replace it timely.  If there is too little or no water leakage, you should check if something blocks the back flow hole (built-in type) in pump gland or the external water supply pipeline. 
    3) Check the leakage amount of the mechanical seal. It is normal if the leakage amount is lower than 5ml/h.  If you have no measuring cup, you can eyeball the amount of water drops. 8 to 10 drops per min is normal.


    Installation instruction from deep well submersible pump manufacturers

    These are the notes for operation many deep well submersible pump manufacturers usually offer.

    Notes for test run

    After installation and adjustment, the pumping unit can take a test run. Before the test run, you should do the following work.

    1) After confirming that the pump head and the pump motor are coaxial, turn the coupling with hand to feel its force and hear its sound. Normally, there should be no abnormal sound and the force should be even. Check if everything is normal with the pump head and the pump motor. For example, some rotary parts may become loose and fall off; something may clog some parts of the pump; the pump freezes inside; the packing or mechanical seal is too tight or too loose; the shaft bearing is short of lubricating oil or the shaft bends, etc.

    2) Check if the power supply system, power source switch, meters, circuits and other relative equipment are intact and normal.

    3) Open the sluice valve, if there is a sluice valve, for water inlet completely. At the same time, close the sluice valve for water outlet and the pressure meter. Fill the pump with water. If the pump has no bottom valve, we can create vacuum inside for the sake of filling water.

    4) Loosen the screw for air bleeding on the pump gland to exhaust all the air possibly remaining inside, and then tighten the screw again.

    5) Check again if all bolts on the pumping unit are ok.

    6) Check if the conditions for water inflow have been met, such as the height of inflow water surface, the pressure at pump inlet, etc.

    7) When all relative facilities have been confirmed normal, you can start the motor. The working stuff shall not stay too close to the motor when it is starting. The motor should not run for a time longer than 2 to 3 minutes when the sluice valve for water outflow is closed. Otherwise, if it runs for too long, the liquid inside the pump will become hot, which is easy to cause an accident. Switch on the pressure meter, and gradually open the sluice valve for water outflow. By then, the reading on pressure meter at pump outlet should gradually goes down while the flow quantity and working electric current gradually rises up.

    WEL pump is one of the deep well submersible pump manufacturers. We feel glad if the knowledge we share can be helpful to you. For more information, please contact info@welpump.com.

    Submersible deep well water pump installation

    The shape of adjustment pad had better be similar to the shape of pump ground feet or motor ground feet. Less than three layers of pads are allowed under the ground bolts. Make sure the pumping unit is installed stably.

    We need a soft pipe connector or telescopic tube connector, whether rigid type or flexible type. The connector should be installed at the water inlet and water outlet of the submersible deep well water pump. This can prevent the pump body from bearing the weight of pipeline. It also ensures that the normal operation of the pump will not be impacted if the pipeline inclines or vibrates.

    If the submersible deep well water pump is used in a situation that needs suction head, then a bottom valve or vacuum water drawing equipment should be installed at the lower end of the suction pipe. The pipeline should not have too many bends. It should not leak, accumulate air or inhale air. Otherwise, the suction performance of the pump will be affected.

    We can install a filter screen 3 to 4 times larger than the cross section of the inlet pipe in front of the inlet pipe. This filter screen will prevent impurities from entering the pipeline. For a large pump, we can set a trash rack or rotary filter screen in front of the pump inlet.

    Before installation, you should check if there is any block inside the flow channel of the pump and clean them off so that it will not hinder the normal running of the pumping unit.

    When the surface of in-flowing water is higher than the pump, a sluice valve and a pressure meter or vacuum meter should be added to the inlet pipeline of the pump. That is done for the sake of maintenance, repair and safety operation. Meanwhile, we have to install a sluice valve, a pressure meter and a check valve (prevent back flow) on the outlet pipe. They are used to display, control and monitor the normal operation of the pumping unit. The pump has to run under rated flow quantity and head.


    Single stage double suction centrifugal pump installation instruction

    Single stage double suction centrifugal pump installation requirements
    1.1 Foundation
    All pumping units are on the same foundation. The function of foundation is to support and immobilize the pumping unit, make it run stably, avoid severe vibration. Therefore, the requirements for the foundation are as follows:
    1) The foundation for the whole pumping unit must be concrete. Its size must be same as regulated.
    2) Leave some anchoring holes on the foundation. Pour concrete to the holes after the pumping unit has been put on its position. This way may take some trouble, but as the bolts have been put into the anchoring holes on the pump base beforehand during construction, the pumping unit can be installed fluently.
    3) The foundation bolts should reach out long enough so as to provide enough room for adjustment of the pumping unit. Reach out length=the length of anchoring hole on pump base+the thickness of washers+the thickness of nuts+15~20 mm
    4) Large pumping unit has no integrated pump base, but separate bases for pump motor and pump head. Both the two bases should be horizontal. You can measure it with gradienter or spirit level.
    Single stage double suction centrifugal pump installation
    1) Before installation, you should check if the pumping unit is damaged during transportation. If the pumping unit has an integrated base, You should check and confirm if there is relative shift between the coupling of pump head and the coupling of pump motor. If so, adjust to make them coaxial.
    2) Adjust the pumping unit to make it horizontal and coaxial. You should prepare steel plates of different thickness or iron wedges for adjustment. Make adjustment on condition that the pumping unit is standing stably and the nuts are bearing some pressure. Don't tighten the nut when there is clearance around the foundation bolt between the foundation and the pump base.
    3) When adjusting the pumping unit, you should take off the elastic pin (in case of pumping units with integrated pump base). If the coupling of pump head and the coupling of pump motor are independent from each other, you should adjust their relative position.


    3 inch submersible deep well pump repair and maintenance

    Pump maintenance

    1) Check if the 3 inch submersible deep well pump base, pump head and motor are stable.
    2) Check the conditions of meters and leading-wires. Check if the pipeline leaks or becomes loose.
    3) Replace the lubricating oil for shaft bearing timely.
    4) Check the performance and running conditions of the pump regularly and make a detailed record. If you find any problem, maintain it at once.
    3 inch submersible deep well pump assembly and disassembly
    1) Preparation before disassembly
    1. Drain the liquids inside the pump case.
    2. Dismantle the associated pipes that will hinder the disassembly.
    2) Disassembly steps
    1. Screw off the bolts on bearing gland at the discharge side and the nuts that connect the discharge casing, stuffing box and shaft bearing, take down the shaft bearing.
    2. Screw off the round nut on the shaft; take down the bearing cone, the bearing gland and the bearing retainer one by one in order. Next, take down the stuffing box, including packing gland, packing ring and the packing, etc.
    3. Dismantle and take down the O shaped seal ring, shaft sleeve, balance disk and the key on the shaft one by one in order. Then, take down the discharging casing, including the last stage of guide vane and the balancing sleeve.
    4. Having dismantled the last stage of guide vane and the key, next we dismantle the middle section of the pump, including the guide vane. Dismantle the remaining stages of impellers, middle sections and guide vanes in the same way, until the first stage of impeller is dismantled.
    5. Screw off the nut that connects the suction section and the shaft bearing, and the bolts on bearing gland; dismantle the shaft bearing (the coupling should have been dismantled beforehand).
    6. Take the shaft out of the suction section, screw off the fixing nuts on the shaft. Dismantle the bearing cone, O shaped seal ring, shaft sleeve, bearing retainer and so on one by one in order.
    By far, you have finished dismantling most of the 3 inch submersible deep well pump. But during the above process, there are still some accessories connected together. Usually, you can dismantle those accessories by screwing off their bolts or nuts.
    The order of assembly is generally in contrary to the order of disassembly.


    Horizontal multistage centrifugal pump installation

    1. Preparation before installing horizontal multistage centrifugal pump

    1) The foundation for the pump should be strong enough. Its quality should be about 3 to 5 times of the quality of the pumping unit.
    2) Inspect the pump head and the motor to see if it is damaged during transportation; inspect if any accessory of the pump is lost.
    3) Prepare tools and hoist.
    2. Installation sequence
    1) Put a steel sizing block and an iron wedge under the pump base. Use the hoisting hooks to hold the four corners of the pump base, pull the base up above the foundation, and then slowly put it down on the foundation, making sure it faces each screw hole correctly.
    2) Make the base flat, tighten the foundation bolts, and pour liquid toward the foundation.
    3) Adjust the pumping unit. There should be 3mm to 5mm clearance between the coupling of the pump and the coupling of the motor, when the coupling reaches the furthest distance on pump shaft. The axial lines of pump head and motor should coincide. Feeler gauge can be used to measure the evenness of clearance between the cross sections of the two couplings, allowable error 0.06mm. Ruler can be used to measure at any direction around the two couplings. The allowable error for clearance between external surfaces of the two couplings and the ruler should be 0.08mm. If the above requirements are not meet, you can use adjustable pads to adjust it.
    4) Connect the outlet pipes, add vacuum meter and pressure meter to the suction pipe and the discharge pipe respectively.
    Horizontal multistage centrifugal pump starting, running and stopping
    1) Before starting the pump, check if the oil level of shaft bearing is normal and then lubricate the bearing with dilute oil.
    2) Before starting the pump, you must check if the motor is rotating in the correct direction.
    3) Before starting the pump, turn the coupling of the pump with hand to see if the rotating parts rotate flexibly.
    4) Check all the meters, gauges, valves and instruments to see if they are normal.
    5) Before starting the pump, you should inject water into it or exhaust the air inside and turn off the sluice valves and pressure meter switch on the outlet pipe of the pump.
    6) When the pump has been started, turn on the switch of pressure meter and the switch of vacuum meter. Gradually turn on the sluice valves on the outlet pipe of the pump until the pointer of pressure meter moves to the position we need.
    1) When the pump is running, pay attention to detect the temperature of the shaft bearing of the water pump. The temperature should not rise more than 35 degrees centigrade on average. The maximum temperature should not exceed 75 degrees centigrade.
    2) Note to add oil frequently to the water pump when it is running.
    3) It is normal if the packing chamber leaks water 10 to 20 drops per minute. If the leakage is beyond this range, you should adjust the packing gland.
    4) Check the coupling regularly.
    5) If the horizontal multistage centrifugal pump goes out of order during the operation, you should stop it at once and repair it with reference to the Trouble-shooting Table.
    Slowly turn off the sluice valves and pressure meter switch on the water outlet pipe, and the vacuum meter switch on discharge pipe. After that, cut off the power source for motor.


    WFY non-negative pressure water supply equipment installation finished

    We have just finished installing WFY non-negative pressure water supply equipment for our client. Flow quantity 32 cubic meters per hour, head 40 m, motor speed 2900 r/min. This water supply equipment is capable of avoiding negative pressure when providing water for high level buildings.

    Following the the warranty agreement for this product.
    Please bring along the Invoice and Warranty Card when you come to our company or our distributor for free maintenance service. We only offer such service as regulated in this Warranty Agreement.
    We offer one year warranty to our products, starting on the day when the product is sold. That is, the date on the Invoice or Warranty Card. If you can provide neither the Invoice nor the Warranty card, we shall refer to the production date on the nameplate of the pump for sure. For failures caused by quality problems of the pump during the warranty period, we offer free maintenance. But this warranty agreement shall not cover vulnerable parts that are worn out normally, such as the impeller, impeller ring, shaft bearing, shaft sheath and rubber shaft bearing, etc.
    The user shall not enjoy free maintenance stated in this agreement under the following conditions:
    1. The user used to dismantle the product by voluntarily within the warranty period.
    2. The users uses the product in conditions not conforming to the regulations in User Manual, or uses it for liquids not allowed in the Contract.
    3. Failures caused by the user not operating or installing the product according to the User Manual.
    4. Damages caused by corrosion from liquid or gas, etc.
    5. The motor runs in short of water inside or with default phase. The motor sinks into mud during installation, leading to the burning of stator windings.
    6. Warranty has expired.
    We take it for granted that the user understands and accepts this agreement since the day he starts to use the water supply equipment he purchased.


    ISGB easy-disassembly pipeline vertical centrifugal pump

    Product overview
    ISGB vertical centrifugal pump is successfully developed on the basis of ISG pump. It has novel structure, manufactured with advanced technology.
    This vertical pump is bravely designed with ground-breaking overall structure in particular. It has independent shaft bearing.
    This pump has impellers made with excellent hydraulic mode, diminishing the disadvantage of large axial force in previous vertical pumps. It adopts Y series standards general motor, solving the difficulty in exchanging motor of former vertical pumps with lengthened shafts. Meanwhile, it has 100% easy-disassembly structure, solving the difficulty in exchanging shaft bearings, mechanical seals, impellers and pump shafts of large-power water pumps.
    This pump runs more stable, has a longer service life. It is easier to maintain than similar products in domestic markets. These advantages are irreplaceable. It ranks in front among vertical pumps in China, with domestic leading technologies. It is the most ideal substitute for all kinds of regular centrifugal pumps, including ISG type vertical centrifugal pump, IS type centrifugal pump, S type double suction pump, etc.
    Product features
    1. Vertical structure, easy for installation and debugging. Its motor is specially designed to be connected with pump head via a connector, ensuring concentricity. The floor area needed for it has been greatly reduced in size, thus saving 30%~60% of investment on pump house construction. It stands stable on feet. Its compact structure, exquisite casting and precise treatment on appearance give this vertical centrifugal pump a new sense of beauty, endowing it artistic charm and making it comparable with vertical centrifugal pump from renowned factories abroad.
    2. It has Y series standards general motor manufactured by famous factories in China. It runs stably and noiseless.
    3. with precision shaft bearing of famous international brand, high precision, good reliability and long service life.
    4. Its impellers adopt the most excellent hydraulic mode in the 1990s that balances axial force by itself, profoundly prolonging the service life of pump shaft bearing and mechanical seal.
    5. The shaft bearing inside the bearing seat of the motor has oil inlet hole and oil outlet hole. The holes make it convenient to maintain the shaft bearing.
    6. Disassemble hard coupling in the middle makes the pump start with no vibration or noise.
    7. The material for its mechanical seal are stainless steel, tungsten carbide, fluororubber, etc. This seal resists high temperature and high pressure, has long service life, prevents leakage, causes no wearing to shaft, and ensures clean working environment.
    8. The pump lid has a special structure. This enables you to easily take out the bearing seat, pump lid, pump shaft, impellers and other assembling units only by dismantling the hard medium coupling and the screws on pump lid. You don’t need to dismantle the motor, pump body and pipeline, making the pump easy and convenient to maintain.